Alerts - Issues


Each of the API commands described here relate to retrieving, editing, and deleting the Issues that have occurred on your site. There are four kinds of issues, those created by system alerts(RevealCloud), those created by website alerts(RevealUptime), those created by custom metrics(RevealMetrics) and those created for AWS services.

Each issue is completely described by an Issue hash.

The Issue Hash

The JSON-encoded Issue Hash is shown in the following system alert example:

  "id":3607050,                                     # Unique Issue_ID
  "state":"cleared",                                # current state
  "short_msg":"MacBookPro: HighCPU (CPU Total Usage 0.035 > 0.01)",   # text msg describing the alert trigger
  "attr_description":"Additional Information",      # text description of the following attributes
  "attrs":{                                         # attributes specific to this Issue
  "type":"ce_revealcloud",                          # one of the three Issue types mentioned above
  "created_at":1364849548,                          # timestamp of initial alert trigger
  "updated_at":1364853492,                          # timestamp of last update
  "cleared_at":1364853492,                          # timestamp of clear event
  "notified_at":1364849549,                         # timestamp of notification event
  "ignore_until":0,                                 # read-only field, internal use
  "annotation_id":"",                               # read-only field, internal use
  "group_definition_id":null,                       # read-only field, internal use
  "obj_idv":"ac1f5ef85c1177ef97596f334f877370|"     # read-only field, object identifier


Retrieve all existing Issues at your site (in batches of 100 max).

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U

curl -s https://<APIKEY>

per_page = No. of issues to be fetched in a page (in one call). Maximum is 100.
page_number = Number of the batch to be fetched. By default, it is 1.
begin_time = The time in seconds from 1st Jan 1970 till the lower limit of required date.
end_time = The time in seconds from 1st Jan 1970 till the upper limit of required date.

If begin_time and end_time are not specified, it fetches the all the issues for the site and returns result on basis of pagination done according to page_number and per_page option. If any of the above parameters are not sent with curl request, the request will return the first 100 issues of the site.

The API key is a unique key that identifies each customer. You can obtain it by clicking the Settings tab while logged on to Uptime Cloud Monitor UI. It is presented at the bottom of the screen under “User API Access”.


curl -su 234jhk356gf:U

CURL Response:

Response is a hash which consists of two keys “issues” and “issuesStats”. “issues” key has value as an array of JSON-encoded Issue Hashes. In this example, there are two issues; the first is a website alert, the second a system alert. “issuesStats” key has value as a hash which consists of “total” key which has value as the count of issues according to the given filters.

 "issues": [
             "short_msg":"my_website: Lores_Health (Health Index 90% < 95%)",
             "attr_description":"Additional Information",
             "attrs":{                               # attributes found in a website / port alert
             "short_msg":"DBServer: Lost nfsd (Process list does not contain nfsd)",
             "attr_description":"Additional Information",
             "attrs":{                                # attributes found in process alert
                                                             ... ,
        "total": 62             # total issues without pagination (according to current filter)


Show in-depth information about a single Issue.

Required Parameters:

Issue_ID as part of the path

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U

curl -s https://<APIKEY>

CURL Response:

Response is a single JSON-encoded Issue Hash.

  "short_msg":"mysql_1: Memory Use - High (Active Memory 0.958 >= 0.95)",
  "attr_description":"Additional Information",
    "linux_distro":"Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \\n \\l\n",
    "aws_sec_group":"API Server",


Update a single Issue.

Required Parameters:

Issue_ID as part of the path

A string specifying a change of state. Permissible strings are :

  • “state=active”
  • “state=notified”
  • “state=acknowledged”
  • “state=cleared”
  • “state=snoozed”

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -s -XPUT https://<APIKEY> -d "state=cleared"

curl -su <APIKEY>:U -XPUT -d "state=cleared"

CURL Response:

Response is Status 200, and the newly updated Issue Hash

 "short_msg":"MacBookPro: HighCPU (CPU Total Usage 0.018 > 0.01)",
 "attr_description":"Additional Information",


Delete a single Issue

Required Parameters:

Issue_ID as part of the path

The string “state=deleted”

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -s -XPUT https://<APIKEY><ISSUE_ID>.json -d "state=deleted"

curl -su <APIKEY>:U<ISSUE_ID>.json -XPUT -d "state=deleted"

CURL Response:

The specified issue will be deleted. Response is Status 200, empty JSON:
