Azure Subscriptions


Each of the API commands described here relate to retrieving and updating one or more Azure Subscriptions being monitored at your site. Each Azure Subscription is completely described by a Hash.

The Azure Subscription Hash

An example JSON-encoded Azure Subscription Hash is shown below:

    "id":1,                                         # Azure Subscription ID (Assigned by Uptime Cloud Monitor)
    "azure_account_id":1,                           # Azure account id of the subscription
    "unique_id":"/subscriptions/dummy_unique_id",   # A unique identifier for a subscription
    "name":"dummy_name",                            # Name of the Azure Subscription
    "reading_enabled":true,                         # If monitoring is enabled for the subscription
    "state":"dummy_state",                          # State of the Azure Subscription
    "attrs":{...}                                   # Attributes related to this azure subscription


Retrieve a list of all of your Azure Subscriptions for an Azure Account.

Required Parameters:

ID of Azure Account for which subscriptions are being fetched

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U<Azure_Account_ID>/subscriptions.json

curl -s https://<APIKEY><Azure_Account_ID>/subscriptions.json

CURL Response:

Response is a JSON-encoded list of Azure Subscription Hashes and stats (contains total no of subscriptions for the account).



Updates an existing Azure Subscription.
  • Only reading_enabled attribute is allowed to be modified for an azure subscription.

Required Parameters:

ID of Azure Account for which subscription is to be updated
ID of Azure Subscription to be updated
If monitoring is enabled for the subscription
Curl Command
curl -s -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY><Azure_Account_ID>/subscriptions/<Azure_Subscription_ID>.json -d '{ "reading_enabled":"false" }'
Curl Response