Alerts - Schedules


Each of the API commands described here relate to retrieving, creating, editing and deleting one or more Alert Schedules at your site. Each Alert Schedule is completely described by an Alert Schedule Hash and has a unique ALERT_SCHED_ID (alert schedule ID).

The Alert Schedule Hash

A JSON-encoded Alert Schedule Hash is shown below:

  "id":407,                                           # unique ALERT_SCHED_ID (generated by Uptime Cloud Monitor)
  "name":"Production_Maintenance",                    # descriptive name
  "start_time":"2014-02-12T04:03:15Z",                # start time, TZ format
  "end_time":"2014-02-12T05:03:15Z",                  # end time, TZ format
  "duration":60,                                      # Duration of maintenance window, in minutes
  "state":"enabled",                                  # state may be "enabled" or "disabled"
    {                                                 # a hash which may be empty (match all), or may include an array of tags to include
      "tag":["no-latealerts"]                         # array of tags to match
  "match_exclude":{},                                 # a hash which may be empty (exclude none), or may include an array of tags to exclude
  "recurring":false                                   # for future use; the recurring feature is not yet implemented


Retrieve all Alert Schedules at your site.

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U

curl -s https://<APIKEY>

CURL Response:

Response is an array of JSON-encoded Alert Schedule Hashes. In the following example, two Alert Schedule Hashes are returned:



Show information about a single alert schedule.

Required parameters: ALERT_SCHED_ID (alert schedule id) as part of the path.

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U<ALERT_SCHED_ID>.json

curl -s https://<APIKEY><ALERT_SCHED_ID>.json

CURL Response:

Response is a single JSON-encoded Alert Schedule Hash.



Create a new alert schedule.

Required parameters:

You must include all of the following:

Your short text description of the schedule (string); e.g., “name”:”Production_Maintenance”.
The Time and Date of the beginning of the window, in TZ format. (e..g., “2014-02-12T04:03:15Z”)
The number of minutes (integer) that the notifications will be disabled, beginning at the start_time.

Optional parameters:

You may include any of the following:

The state in which to this schedule will be left after being created. default is “enabled”
If not specified, defaults to match any tag or no tag. To specify one or more tags to match, use the following format: “match”:{“tag”:[“TAG1”,”TAG2”]}. Default if not specified: {}
If not specified, defaults to exclude nothing. To specify one or more tags to exclude, use the following format: “match_exclude”:{“tag”:[“TAG1”,”TAG2”]}. Default if not specified: {}
When the recurring flag is false, this schedule will be executed one time. Default is false. The recurring feature is not yet implemented. Specifying “recurring”:true will cause an error.

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST -d '{"name":"Duplicate","start_time":"2014-02-14T17:30:00Z","duration":60,"state":"enabled","match":{"tag":["no-latealerts"]},"match_exclude":{},"recurring":false}'

curl -s https://<APIKEY> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST -d '{"name":"Duplicate","start_time":"2014-02-14T17:30:00Z","duration":60,"state":"enabled","match":{"tag":["no-latealerts"]},"match_exclude":{},"recurring":false}'

CURL Response:

Status Code 200, and a newly-created Alert Schedule Hash:



Update an existing alert schedule.

Required parameter:

ALERT_SCHED_ID (alert schedule id) as part of the path.

Optional parameters:

same as described for create.

Update Example: Change alert duration and flags in the alert schedule created above.

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPUT -d '{"duration":45,"state":"disabled"}'<ALERT_SCHED_ID.json

curl -s https://<APIKEY><ALERT_SCHED_ID>.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPUT -d '{"duration":45,"state":"disabled"}'

CURL Response:

Status Code 200, and the newly-updated Alert Schedule Hash:



Delete the specified alert schedule.

Required parameter:

ALERT_SCHED_ID (alert schedule id) as part of the path.

CURL Command, and variations:


curl -s -XDELETE https://<APIKEY><ALERT_SCHED_ID>.json

CURL Response:

Response is Status 200, empty JSON:
