Probes- Samples


There is a single API call for retrieving Probe data samples.

Required Parameters:

At least one PROBE_ID must be specified. Up to 20 PROBE_IDs can be specified in each request. Multiple ids can be formatted as either a comma separated string or an array represented by multiple HTTP parameters named “ids[ ]”

Optional Parameters:

An integer unix timestamp (seconds since epoch) representing the beginning of your query timeframe.
An integer unix timestamp (seconds since epoch) representing the end of your query timeframe.
A list of keys you want to include (see ‘Probe Sample Keys’ below). This can either be a comma separated string or an array represented by multiple HTTP parameters named “keys[ ]”. Default: “l_l, l_s, l_u, l_h”
Override the default sample size that is determined by the starttime/endtime range. This will only work if you specify a sample_size larger than that automatically calculated for the time range. If you specify a smaller sample_size, the default sample_size will be used.

Note: If starttime and endtime both are not provided, the last 5 minutes of samples are returned. Also, if the frequency of probe is greater than the duration specified for samples, the request will not return any samples.

Probe Sample Keys

key name           valid combinations
latency               l, l_l, s_l
latency_percent       lp, l_lp
status_code           s, l_s, s_s
uptime                u, l_u, s_u
health                h, l_h, s_h
state_string          ss, l_ss


  • the prefacing ‘l_’ means ‘latest’; return most recent sample data.
  • the prefacing ‘s_’ means ‘separated’; return data from individual components

Probe Sample Abbreviations

term               abbreviation
timestamp             '_ts'
actual sample size    '_bs'
attributes            'a'
probe URL             'c'
probe name or label   'n'
health                'h'
probe_id              'id'
uptime                'u'
status codes          's'

Example 1

Obtain samples from one probe, specifying only the PROBE_ID.

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U "<PROBE_ID>"

curl -s  "https://<APIKEY><PROBE_ID>"

CURL Response:

Response is a JSON-encoded array with a single Probe Sample Hash:


Example 2

Obtain samples from two probes, specifying sample_size of 60. Default keys.

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U "<PROBE_ID>,<PROBE_ID>"

curl -s "https://<APIKEY><PROBE_ID>,<PROBE_ID>"

CURL Response:

Response is a JSON-encoded array of Probe Sample Hashes, in this case, with 60 seconds data:


Example 3

Obtain samples from a single probe, specifying starttime, endtime, and sample_size of 60 seconds. Default keys.

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U "<PROBE_ID>"

curl -s "https://<APIKEY><PROBE_ID>"

CURL Response:

Response is a JSON-encoded array with a single Probe Sample Hash:


Example 4

Obtain samples from one probe, specifying sample_size of 60, and the keys l, lp, l_s, u, l_h and l_ss.

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U "<PROBE_ID>&keys=l,lp,l_s,u,l_h,l_ss"

curl -s "https://<APIKEY><PROBE_ID>&keys=l,lp,l_s,u,l_h,l_ss"

CURL Response:

Response is a JSON-encoded array with a single Probe Sample Hash:

    "a":{"n":"Hires probe","c":"GET"},
    "l":{"0":[ 30,36,0,66 ],"60":[ 40,47,0,87 ],"120":[ 32,53,1,86 ],"180":[ 34,35,1,70 ]},
    "lp":{"0":[ 0.4545, 1.0,1.0 ],"60":[ 0.4598,1.0,1.0 ],"120":[ 0.3721,0.9884,1.0 ],"180":[ 0.4857,0.9857,1.0 ]},
    "l_s":{ "200":28 },
    "u":{"0":100,"60":100, "120":100, "180":100},
    "l_ss":{ "s":28 }

Note: Latency percent arrays contain only three values: connect, time for the first byte, and transfer.

Example 5

Obtain all station data for one probe, specifying sample_size of 60, and the keys s_l, s_s, s_u, and s_h.

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U "<PROBE_ID>&keys=s_l,s_s,s_u,s_h"

curl -s "https://<APIKEY><PROBE_ID>&keys=s_l,s_s,s_u,s_h"

CURL Response:

Response is a JSON-encoded array with a single Probe Sample Hash:

    "a":{"n":"site1 home", "c":"GET"},