
This is an API used to get overview of an AWS Account

Required Parameters:

Id of AWS account which can be retrieved by Accounts API

CURL Command, and variations:


curl -s  "https://<APIKEY><AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID>"

curl -s -XGET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID> }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get summary of an AWS Account

Required Parameters:

Id of AWS account which can be retrieved by Accounts API

CURL Command, and variations:


curl -s  "https://<APIKEY><AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID>"

curl -s -XGET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID> }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get billing of an AWS Account

Required Parameters:

Id of AWS account whose billing is to be fetched
Date of month for which billing is to be fetched

Optional Parameters:

Overview will give billing overview of all AWS accounts

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U "<AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID>&date_str=2017-01-01"

curl -s "https://<APIKEY><AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID>&date_str=2017-01-01"

curl -s "https://<APIKEY><AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID>&date_str=2017-01-01&overview=overview"

curl -s -XGET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID>,"date_str":"2017-01-01" }'

curl -s -XGET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID>,"date_str":"2017-01-01","overview":"overview" }'

CURL Response:

    "month_label":"Jan 2017",

Consolidated billing details

This is an API used to get consolidated billing details of an AWS Account

Required Parameters:

Id of AWS account whose Consolidated billing is to be fetched
Date of month for which consolidated billing is to be fetched

Optional Parameters:

Overview will give consolidated billing overview of all AWS accounts

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U "<AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID>&date_str=2017-01-01"

curl -s "https://<APIKEY><AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID>&date_str=2017-01-01"

curl -s "https://<APIKEY><AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID>&date_str=2017-01-01&overview=overview"

curl -s -XGET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID>,"date_str":"2017-01-01" }'

curl -s -XGET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<AMAZON_ACCOUNT_ID>,"date_str":"2017-01-01","overview":"overview" }'

CURL Response:

    "month_label":"Jan 2017",


This is an API used to get samples of one or more EC2 instances

EC2 Sample Keys

Key name           Valid combinations

Cpu                c
Network            n
Status             s

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every ec2 instance)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | EC2 instance id|

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|i-0063cb19c5cce6512|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1484810160":[533795466,30448340], # [rx, tx]
            "1484810160":[0,0], # [status_check_failed_instance, status_check_failed_system]

Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which EC2 instance belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every ec2 instance)

*idv is a combination of region | EC2 instance id|

eg. us-east-1|i-0063cb19c5cce6512|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get samples of one or more EBS Volumes

EBS Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Volume(bytes)                    b
Volume operations                o
Total volume                     t
Queue length                     q
Volume tp                        p
Cons. operations                 c

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every ebs volume)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | EBS volume id |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|vol-0063cb19c5cce6512|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1484812200":[4096,8158],  # [read,write]
            "1484812200":[5,121],      # [read,write]
            "1484812200":[0.002,8.0e-05,299.98], # [read,write,idle]

Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which EBS Volume belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every ebs volume)

*idv is a combination of region | EBS volume id |

eg. us-east-1|vol-0063cb19c5cce6512|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get samples of one or more dynamodb tables

Dynamodb Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Data                             d

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every dynamodb)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | dynamodb name |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|demo-table|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1484896500":[null,null,null,null,13,8,null,null,null,null,null,null], # [latencty, user_error, system_error, thr_requests, prov_read, prov_write, cons_read, cons_write, returned, conditional_check_failed_requests, online_index_throttle_events, online_index_consumed_write_capacity]

Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which dynamodb belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every dynamodb)

*idv is a combination of region | dynamodb name |

eg. us-east-1|demo-table|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get samples of one or more RDS instances

RDS Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Data                             r
Latency                          l
Cpu                              c

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every RDS)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | RDS instance name |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|rds-test-1|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1484898840":[0.0,0.005], # [read, write]
            "1484898840":[7364288512,0,1,0,14950,615,17932], # [freeable_memory, read_iops, write_iops, read_throughput, write_throughput, network_receive_throughput, network_transmit_throughput]

Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which rds belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every rds)

*idv is a combination of region | rds instance name |

eg. us-east-1|demo-table|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get samples of one or more ELB

ELB Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Health                           h
Host count                       r
Backend connection               b
Latency                          l
Spill over                       s

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every elb)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | elb name |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|test-elb|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1484844360":[4,0], # [healthy_host_count, unHealthy_Host_Count]
            "1484844360":[15524,1,27], # [request_count, HTTP_code_ELB_5XX, HTTP_code_backend_5XX]

Network ELB

This is an API used to get samples of one or more Network load balancers

Network ELB Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

New connections                  h
Elb reset count                  r
Processed bytes                  b
Consumed LCUs                    l
Active connections               c

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every elb)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | load balancer arn |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|net/test-net-elb/0700f2d0ae4ee1ad|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1484844360":0, # new connections
            "1484844660":1, # Elb reset count
        "b":{}, # Processed bytes
            "1484844360":0, # Consumed LCUs
            "1484844420":0, # Active connections

Application ELB

This is an API used to get samples of one or more Application load balancers

ELB Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

New connections                  h
Total requests                   r
Processed bytes                  b
Consumed LCUs                    l
Active connections               c

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every elb)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | load balancer arn |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|app/test-app-elb/0700f2d0ae4ee1ad|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1484844360":0, # new connections
            "1484844660":1, # Total requests
        "b":{}, # Processed bytes
            "1484844360":0, # Consumed LCUs
            "1484844420":0, # Active connections

Target Groups(HTTP or HTTPS)

This is an API used to get samples of one or more target groups

Target Group Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Healthy hosts                    h
Unhealthy hosts                  u

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every elb)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | target group arn |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|targetgroup/test-group/0700f2d0ae4ee1ad|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1484844360":0, # Healthy hosts
            "1484844660":1, # Unhealthy hosts

Target Groups(TCP)

This is an API used to get samples of one or more target groups

Target Group Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Healthy hosts                    h
Unhealthy hosts                  u

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every elb)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | target group arn |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|targetgroup/test-group/0700f2d0ae4ee1ad|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1484844360":0, # Healthy hosts
            "1484844660":1, # Unhealthy hosts


This is an API used to get samples of one or more Cloudfront distributions

Cloudfront distribution Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

4xx                              c
5xx                              p
Total error rate                 t
Bytes uploaded                   u
Bytes downloaded                 d
Requests                         r

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every distribution)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | cloudfront distribution id |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|E2CN093FFQP6MI|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:


Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which cloudfront distribution belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every cloudfront distribution)

*idv is a combination of region | cloudfront distribution |

eg. us-east-1|E2CN093FFQP6MI|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get samples of one or more opsworks stacks

Opsworks stack Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Memory                           m
Load                             l
Cpu                              c

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every opsworks stack)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | opsworks stack id |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|2a28e197-3e6c-4ebc-99b7-e183d47ad627|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1484899440":[2852872.0,449784.0], # [free, used]

Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which opsworks stack belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every opsworks stack)

*idv is a combination of region | opsworks stack id|

eg. us-east-1|2a28e197-3e6c-4ebc-99b7-e183d47ad627|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get samples of one or more route53 health checks

Route53 Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Health                           s
Health percentage                h

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every route53 health check)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | route53 health check id |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|e761288a-970f-4617-915c-ag55f0844cc6|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:


Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which route53 health check belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every route53 health check)

*idv is a combination of region | route53 health check id |

eg. us-east-1|e761288a-970f-4617-915c-ag55f0844cc6|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get samples of one or more SQS Queues

SQS Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Message available                r
Message sent/receive             l

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every SQS queue)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | sqs queue name |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|test-sqs|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1484899500":[0,0], # [sent, received]
            "1484899500":[5679,0], # [visible, not_visible]

Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which sqs queue belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every sqs queue)

*idv is a combination of region | sqs queue name |

eg. us-east-1|test-sqs|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get samples of one or more SNS topics

SNS Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Notifications                    r
Message size                     l
Message published                c

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every SNS topic)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | SNS topic name |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|test-sns|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1484899800":[9,0], # [delivered, failed]

Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which SNS topic belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every SNS topic)

*idv is a combination of region | SNS topic name |

eg. us-east-1|test-sns|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get samples of one or more emr clusters

EMR Sample Keys

Key name                                            Valid combinations

Apps Failed                                         f
Apps Running                                        r
Core Nodes Running read & Core Nodes Pending        c
Live Task Trackers & Live Data Nodes                l

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every emr cluster)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | emr cluster id |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|test-cluster|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1485268620":[null,null], # [core_pending, core_run]
            "1485268620":[1,null], # [live_task, live_data]

Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which emr cluster belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every emr cluster)

*idv is a combination of region | emr cluster id |

eg. us-east-1|test-cluster|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:


Machine Learning

This is an API used to get samples of one or more Machine Learning models

Machine Learning Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Predict Count                    c
Predict Failure Count            f

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every Machine Learning model)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | Machine Learning Model name |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|ml-KrgrdKta03v|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:


Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which Machine Learning Model belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every Machine Learning Model)

*idv is a combination of region | Machine Learning Model name |

eg. us-east-1|ml-KrgrdKta03v|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get samples of one or more redshift clusters

Redshift Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

CPU Utilization                  c
Database Connections             l
Disk                             d
Others                           r

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every Redshift clusters)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | Redshift cluster name |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|awstest|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:

            "1485269340":[1,0], # [health_status, maint_mode]

Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which redshift cluster belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every redshift cluster)

*idv is a combination of region | redshift cluster name |

eg. us-east-1|awstest|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get samples of one or more Cloudsearch domain

Cloudsearch Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Successful Requests              c
Searchable Documents             l
Index Utilization                r
Partitions                       o

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every Cloudsearch domain)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | Cloudsearch domain name |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|awstest|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:


Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which Cloudsearch domain belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every Cloudsearch domain)

*idv is a combination of region | Cloudsearch domain name |

eg. us-east-1|awstest|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:



This is an API used to get samples of one or more Workspaces

Workspaces Sample Keys

Key name                         Valid combinations

Healthy                          a
Unhealthy                        u
Connection Attempts              c
Connection Success               s
Connection Failure               f
Session launch time              l
Latency                          i
Disconnect                       d

Fetch Samples from all AWS Accounts

Required Parameters:

Only existence of key is required
It is a list of ids(unique for every Workspace)

*idv is a combination of Amazon Account Number | region | Workspace id |

eg. 123456789001|us-east-1|d-90673c00b3|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "overview":"overview","idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:


Fetch Samples of specific AWS Account

Required Parameters:

ID of an AWS account to which Workspace belongs
It is a list of ids(unique for every sns topic)

*idv is a combination of region | Workspaces id |

eg. us-east-1|d-90673c00b3|

CURL Command:

curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<APIKEY> -d '{ "amazon_account_id":<Amazon Account ID>,"idvs":["<IDV1>","<IDV2>"] }'

CURL Response:
