Custom Metrics - Samples


These are the API calls for storing and retrieving data samples to/from Uptime Cloud Monitor Custom Metrics.

Storing a data sample

To store a data sample, you POST the new value, referencing it using the metric name, metric group, and identifier.

Required parameters:

  • the METRICGROUP_ID is specified as part of the path
  • an “indentifier” which specifies the specific object of interest (server, probe, derivative)
  • a “timestamp”, which is a unix timestamp indicating the time of the data collection
  • a “values” hash, containing one or more metrics to store (to the metric group specified by the METRICGROUP_ID).

Optional parameters:


CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U -H "Content-type: application/json" -XPOST<METRICGROUP_ID>.json -d '{"identifier": <YOURIDENTIFIER>,"timestamp": <UNIXTIMESTAMP>, "values": { <METRICNAME>: <METRICVALUE>}'

CURL Response:

Response is Status 200 and a null response is returned.

As an example, the following Store Sample JSON structure was captured using the CopperEgg-Powershell scripts:

  "values":  {
    "System_File_Write_Operations_per_sec":  79.43018242417115,
    "System_File_Control_Operations_per_sec":  180.70366501498935,
    "System_Context_Switches_per_sec":  861.817479302257,
    "System_System_Calls_per_sec":  10713.145854460083,
    "System_Processor_Queue_Length":  0,
    "System_Processes":  64,
    "System_Exception_Dispatches_per_sec":  91.344709787796816,
    "System_File_Read_Operations_per_sec":  131.05980099988238,
    "Paging_File_total_Percent_Usage_Peak":  9.2311083323008827,
    "System_System_Up_Time":  7398.4709609,
    "Paging_File_total_Percent_Usage":  9.05506366132578,
    "System_Threads":  754
  "timestamp":  1357760740,
  "identifier":  "WIN-1M8N94S69C8"              # this identifier is a server hostname

Reading one or more metrics from Custom Metrics

NOTE: This API Request is deprecated.

Required parameters:

  • a “queries” hash, containing one or more metric group queries, where one or more metrics are requested from each metric group.

Optional parameters:

  • starttime: a unix timestamp indicating the first sample time of the series being requested. Default is NOW - 300 seconds.
  • duration: the length of time for which data samples are being requested, in seconds. Default is 300 seconds.
  • sample_size: Override the default sample size that is determined by the starttime/duration range. This will only work if you specify a sample_size larger than what is automatically calculated for the time range. If you specify a smaller sample_size, the default sample_size will be used. Default is 15s.

CURL Command, and variations:

curl -su <APIKEY>:U -XGET "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"queries":{"<METRIC_GROUP_ID>":[{"metrics":["<METRIC_NAME>"]}]}}'

CURL Response:

A Hash containing the requested data.

  "_ts":1354126050,             # unix timestamp indicating the first sample of this series (offset == 0)
  "values":{                    # a hash of all metrics returned
    "scottsmetrics_v2":[        # metric group id
        "mymac":{               # server/probe identifier
          "0":[1354126055],"    # offset from starttime : data sample at that time